"Vic Roads" Victoria's Club Permit Agreement
Changes to requirements
Mildura Vintage Vehicles Club Inc has an agreement with Vicroads for the CLUB PERMIT AGREEMENT.
All club permit registration will need to be aware of the rules.
Click here to read club permit requirements.
N S W Historic Vehicle Permit Registration
Go to Service nsw . Type in Historic Vehicle Registration. You can click here to view options
N S W Members
The NSW Historic Motoring Association is dedicated to providing representation, a forum and participation for motoring clubs in NSW so as to promote and protect the interest in, and encouragement of the hobby, restoration, preservation, display and use of original and modified, historic and heritage, vehicles and machinery of all ages.
Click here to read NSWHMA.
To all NSW HMA Clubs. Bulletin 2022/3
Below are two matters for your consideration.
1. Historic and classic vehicle log book and clubs runs FACT SHEET - Announcement by Transport for NSW
On 21 December, Transport for NSW (TfNSW) launched its new Fact Sheet that sets out to answer frequently asked questions about the use of log books and club runs.
This is the outcome of extensive collaboration between NSW Historic Motoring Association, the other Approved Organisations, and TfNSW, and may signal a new approach to communicating with Historic and Classic vehicle enthusiasts.
I have attached the two-page document for your convenience. and it may also be found on the NSW Government website at: https://www.nsw.gov.au/sites/default/files/2022-12/Historic%20and%20classic%20vehicles%20log%20book.pdf
2. After-market seat belts fitted to pre-seat belt era vehicles
Transport for NSW has at last begun to address this issue. At the December meeting of the Historic and Classic Industry Working Group it was decided that the matter will be referred to the Vehicle Standards Working Group where a new set of regulations will be developed governing the fitting of after-market seat belts to vehicles built before regulations requiring mountings and belts in new vehicles were introduced.
The current situation is that vehicles built before seat belts became mandatory do not have to have them fitted but when they are fitted “after-market” they must have engineering certification. This has led to the absurd situation where a vehicle can be defected for not having engineering certification for the belts but can clear the defect by removing the belts.
It has to be recognised that many earlier vehicles have structural limitations that make it impossible to meet current engineering standards. Therefore, the level of protection provided in individual cases is unknown and will vary over a wide range.
TfNSW doctrine requires that the belts should be able to be tested to ensure that they serve their intended purpose.
We are pushing for a “common sense” approach based on the principle that any belts are better than none.
To date we have no evidence that belts themselves have ever contributed to injuries.
We have thousands of vehicles with belts that were fitted to older cars. Many date back more than fifty years while others have been recently fitted as part of a restoration.
To assist in developing workable rules TfNSW has asked the major organisations like NSWHMA to provide as much evidence as possible in the form of photographs of a wide range of vehicle types, ages and construction with specific details of the methods of anchoring the belts. Floor mounting is usually possible with a bolt and washer on top and a plate below but the floors themselves are of varying materials and structural adequacy. Bolts through B-pillars have the same issues.
Members of all our clubs are invited to contribute opinions, experiences and as much detail as possible to help us present a complete case to TfNSW. In particular we need details of installations that have proved to be satisfactory in a wide range of vehicles. Of greatest value will be clear photographs, manufacturers fitting instructions and specifications of bolts, plates and washers used.
Send all information to the Secretary (Ian Browning) at: secretary@historicmotoring.com.au
Merry Christmas to all!
Regards, Ian Browning, Secretary